
VoIPIT offers quality services every day, to every customer, in every call.

We are constantly adding new customers, but for most of our partners we are the provider of choice for the last few years, and we will continue to be.

Albota law firmApavitalAlphacomB2KapitalBike HouseBrillbirdConacul verdeClick holidaysdeHaineDezvoltator imobiliarelaReducereEmporoEucardioseUniversulevoGSMRestaurant LordinuHotel MandachiMicul meseriașMobelhausNeomar consultingNG-NetworkReal hostRedbridge Recruitment RomaniaRomlogicHotel SăfticaSalisTerraSanoverde TotalTa-TienneExecutor judecătoresc Tranca-BulugaZebe Market